How to Thrill a Friend

He likes it! He came right out and said that he could not put the book down. At the end of the book, he was upset because it was over. There is no higher praise.

But chapter 2 stinks. No, that is not what he said, but it’s what I heard. Why was this not a killer? Why am I thrilled at this lashing? Because he gave suggestions for reversing the air flow. I praise God for that young man again and again. He is a friend. The wounds delivered by a friend are faithful.

The changes will not be easy, but in them there is hope.

How to Kill a Friend

I knew that writing is hard, but I wrote. I also knew that criticism would come, but I wrote. When my courage was sufficient, I shared my book. And then I died.

The first blow came from the silence. So, does that mean you hate it? Then could you let me know that? That way I will know that you hate my book, not me.

But the second strike seemed backhanded. A romance reader (poor thing) said my book is emotive which makes it hard to read. Romance novels aren’t emotion driven? Well, that explains a lot.

Next came a mortal blow: Where is God in this book? Asking God for help, God’s encouragement – Those don’t count?

Death came slowly. He lingered long. But praise God! He didn’t stay.