Tanninim Publishing LLC awaits my beta reader. He has two stories of Fire Flight and Other Tanninim Tales yet to peruse. If I have no rewrites, the manuscript will fly in different directions: west to the printer and north to the graphic designer. You will see the cover here.

My second beta reader contacted me yesterday. He is again available to give input. He plans to complete his reading by next weekend as well. Praise the Lord!

Regarding my novel, I hadn’t intended to pitch it to the agent at the Realm Makers conference. Instead, with the greatest of humility, I voiced my skepticism with his presentation. And he asked for the first chapter. By October or November he should give me a yea or nay for representing my book. Or at least ask to read the rest of it. I’m praying.

A final quiz for Hebrew pronunciation: tanninim. Notice the weighted plural ending. The middle ni has an i like the i in machine. At the beginning, the syllable tan receives a little more of the stress than the last. Think of wintergreen and you have a good feel for saying tanninim.

I hope to have Fire Flight to the printer before the next month. Meanwhile, may you live as long as Melchaiyim, even to the end of the age.